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Job opportunities LiveTube

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Please post your questions here.

I know that everyone wants to hear an update as soon as possible.
However, we also want to make sure to take the time to go through every application.

LiveTube is a new approach to traditional media processes, and we understand that the job proposal might confuse some of you. For that reason, we want to provide an open forum to answer all questions until the selection process is finalized.

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Hello Sven, thanks! That’s great! Stay safe and healthy! Love  

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Hi Sven, fully understandable and thanks for all info provided so far. I look forward to hearing your feedback. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on my Live Producer candidacy.

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I want to provide another update for everyone who has applied to the LiveTube Producer or LiveTube Reporter jobs.

Everyone who has applied as a producer:
We have started interviewing people in the US (AMER)/ LATAM and will send out a communication to all applicants from these regions beginning next week. We are currently looking through candidates from the EMEA, INDIA, and APJ regions, and we will be sending out interview requests starting next week. We then will notify applicants from Australia. All producer interviews should be finalized before year-end. We will schedule meetings also between Dec 28 and Dec 31.

Everyone who has applied as a reporter:
We have decided to finalize all producer applications first before making any selection on reporters. You will receive more information with an email next week.

We plan to finalize the selection of producers and the general producer setup per timezone by the first week of January, followed by several training sessions.

The final selection of reporters and an announcement is planned for the third week of January.

Feel free to post a comment should you have any further questions.

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I'm wanting to follow up on my application for the position of Live Producer. 

My name is Adin Rinquest and I'm based in South Africa. I applied on 10th November 2020.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Hi AdinR,

thank you for reaching out, and let me address your question.
I am sure many others want to know too:

General overview:

In a first step, we have tried to identify TZLs (Time Zone Leads) for our different regions. We have filled 4 positions in the US as well as two positions in Singapore. Currently, we work through the applicants from Europe, MENA, India, Australia/ NZ, and Japan/ Korea/ China to identify 3-4 additional TZLs. We had interviews with some applicants already. I will make sure to send out another communication this week explaining the delay and the next steps in detail to everyone who has applied. We hope for your understanding, that we did not want to send out information emails every second week but only when we can provide a solid update.

In more detail:

Why the two-part approach? 

The future setup for our global newsroom will be based on Timezones. At every time during the day, one time-zone will oversee and be in charge of global operations including all incoming live streams and all LiveTube broadcasts. The TZLs will also lead and guide their respective team of producers in the timezone. 

We have clustered all applications to identify candidates for the TZL positions first. The first interviews have happened end of December and in January and for the US and Singapore we have chosen the TZLs. We are currently talking with potential candidates in the remaining TZs.

Why does it take so long?

It turned out, that it makes the most sense to move forward in a specific region only after we have appointed the TZLs. This is the reason, why we have not yet sent out emails to the candidates we have chosen as producers.

Also: We have received applications from a wide variety of media professionals with some great qualifications and backgrounds. Before we send out any final rejections, we want to make sure, that there are not any other future opportunities within LiveTube during this year. Should we identify a potential fit, we would inform the candidates, that we keep their application in our records and might come back at a later point in time with another job offer. Only after all these checks and if we really don't see a mutual fit, we will send out a rejection letter. 

Lastly, we are facing some delays in our virtual training portal (LiveAcademy). This platform is a vital part of the onboarding process and we can only start hiring and onboarding producers as soon as it is fully functional.

When do you plan to start operations? When can I expect to start working?

Our aim is to have finalized the hiring process by End of March.
The planned start of global operations is in April.

I have applied as a reporter, not as a Live Producer but have not heard back

As soon as we have finalized the recruitment of the TZLs and the LiveProducers we will get back to everyone who has applied to work as a reporter. In order to put you live on our program, we first need to finalize the setup of the virtual newsroom. We will probably reach out in mid-March to explain the reporter opportunity in more detail. In a nutshell: You will be offered to join a special team of reporters who can make money by broadcasting live stories with their smartphone. Other than the public, you will then be part of a dedicated reporter team with training and potential special assignment offers. We will communicate more about this in mid-March.


What does this all mean for me?

  1. When you have not yet received a rejection email. your application is still active with the team. We are aware, that it has taken a long time and that some of you might have found other jobs or are might no longer be interested in the offered position. However, this is a unique and complex global recruitment and we want to make sure to identify and hire the best people for our newsroom.
  2. If you are based in the US, Canada, Singapore, China or Japan, you will hear first. As explained above, we are still working on the placement of the TZLs for the other regions and you might have to wait a little bit longer.
  3. You should latest hear from us by end of March but it might be earlier.
  4. The planned start of operations is in April.
  5. For all chosen candidates there will be LIVE sessions with myself and the TZLs during which you will learn more about the job and can ask questions. 
  6. If you then decide to join LiveTube, you will be trained and issued a certificate that entitles you to work as a LiveProducer in our virtual newsroom.
  7. If you are not chosen as one of our LiveProducers, we might offer you to join our pool of Live Reporters with opportunities to make money streaming live as a reporter. You would be part of a special group of reporters who also receive dedicated training and special assignments.

Further Questions?

Let's use this forum for any further questions and to get the conversation going. Just post a comment and someone from the team will make sure to provide an answer.


@AdinR: I hope this answered all your questions as well. Let me know if you need any further information.

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Good morning

Thank you for the last response. This was very informative.

I however would like to follow up on my application as it's 1 April already and I haven't received any response as yet.

Please can you advise?

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Hi there. I know you advised in our last conversation that you expect matters to be finalized by end March.

Just following up on the current status of my application as I haven't received any correspondence as yet since the initial application.

Please advise however if the recruitment process is still ongoing and not finalized yet?


Looking forward to your response. 

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@adinr Someone from our team should have contacted you via email. Please let me know should you not have heard back.

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