

How do I get paid ?

You can see your estimated profit per LiveTube in Your LiveTubes, which you can find in the menu.

LiveTube is using PayPal to send you the money*. We will use the email from your profile to notify you of the payment. Due to compliance and financial conduct reasons, we can only pay out your earnings into a PayPal account. There are three scenarios for you:

  1. If you have a PayPal account tied to the email which you use for LiveTube, you can click a link in the email message, log in to your account, and access your payment.
  2. If you have a PayPal account, but use another email for LiveTube that is not tied to your account, you are offered an opportunity to log in to your account. Then, when you log in, the money is deposited to your account and the new email address is added to your account automatically.
  3. If you do not have a PayPal account, your email message contains a link that directs you to a PayPal signup page. The signup process automatically confirms your email address. When you complete the signup process, the money is available in your new PayPal account.

If your age prevents you from opening an own account with PayPal, please show this text to your parents and ask them for help.

Please note:
By receiving any money from LiveTube, you are solely responsible for your personal or any other tax or related payments resulting from the payment as clearly stated in our Terms of Service .

  • Final payment is less any deductions for currency exchange rates and other third party fees and can vary from the estimates provided in the app.

You can find some general information on money earning as a reporter and payments on our general help page

Any additional questions or concerns? Please contact us directly.

How much do I get paid?

When you Go Live from the LiveTube app and your story is accepted by our producers, we will pay you a fixed price of $ 1.00 and $ 0.20 per minute for your work as a camera person. This equals around $ 13.00 per hourย depending on how long you are filming for LiveTube.

Story accepted: $ 1.00*
Per-minute filming: $ 0.20*

Pay per hour upย to $ 13.00ย *

This is the standard payment for regular contributions. However, for major breaking news, large events, or topics with significant traction, we offer higher payments. In these cases, the producer will decide the increased payment rate immediately during the live stream, and you will see the updated payment information in the LiveTube app. A money counter will display the base (initial) payment and the payment increase per minute.

(payment subject to General Terms and Conditions as well as the LiveTube Rules and general payment regulations. You can find more information on our special payments page)


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